Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mary Kay

So I joined this awesome site and I got lucky enough to receive a Mary Kay #voxbox! 

Now I've used Mary Kay in the past and have had bad luck with their face washes. I have stupid sensitive skin so I was super nervous to try their new Clear Proof line. I followed how they suggested I use it and the first week it was amazing. After that it lulled. While it kept my oil production down, which is awesome for how oily my skin is, it didn't clear up my skin like I thought it would. But alas I would still reccommend the product for those with oily skin like myself because it helps so much. It aslo helps get an even application of makeup and prevents it from runnin.

Overall I give this product a 7 out of 10. Helped but not like I thought it would. Still a solid product though. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

SAHM Rambles..along with unicorns.

So I decided that  I should start blogging more. I mean I did start a blog to get my inner rambles out. So why not put this thing to use.

Some days I think "hey I can write a book about my life" then I start thinking and my thoughts never seem to come out straight. I guess thats what happens when your mind goes a mile a minute. You never really get the chance to stop and think. Between being a mom, a wife and a full time employee life gets choatic, to say the least. It's something I wouldn't change. Although I would love to be able to stay at home again with my little monster. So maybe one day in my journey I will be able to stay at home again. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever want to be a stay at home mom until I was one, then I wasn't.

Being a stay at home mom is a full time job, yes, but it isn't as hard as so many women make it out to be. Yes your day revolves around cooking, cleaning, and chasing your child(ren) but is that really that hard if you sit down and think about. After being a stay at home mom then returning to the work force I really look at all these women who take advantage of their time they spend chasing their child(ren) around.

Something I am very grateful for was being able to stay at home for the first 6 months. I never missed a first. I never had to leave a screaming infant in the care of a stranger. I never had to worry. I never had to ask myself is my baby okay? If you are one of the mothers who go back to work after 6 weeks I admire your strength because I honestly don't think I could do it.  Maybe I am a little selfish for not wanting to miss a first or not wanting to let my child be comforted by a complete stranger in time of need. I still don't like the idea that I am not being able to spend these recent moments with her. She is growing and learning so fast and I feel like I am missing out on so much.

Being a stay at home mom is a gift. It is a gift to you and to your child(ren). To be able to enjoy the little moments with them that most parents these days don't have the opportunity to get. With the rising cost of life it's difficult to be able to afford one parent staying at home. It's sad but true. But I don't really want to go into that subject because why try to battle the inevitable?

Whew, I guess there is a lot more on my mind than I originally thought when I started writing this blog. Now my brain has run out of juice. I guess that is what happens when you read things from idiotic women such as "a rare albino unicorn" Aren't all unicorns rare and albino?

With that being said I think my add is kicking in and it is time to for me to bid the blog land a farewell. Until we meet again.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Well this blows

So I totally had a whole bunch written out and of course I click something and POOF it's gone. Lame sauce. Oh well I will start over.

It's been a while blogland. Since March 24 to be exact. Well y'all obviously know I moved...well I think so. But anywho it's been a ride at this stupid place they call a townhome. More like an apartment with 3 floors. For reals. I hate it and I cannot wait to move. It's a little surprising I would say that after moving 5 times in under 3 years. Enough sad, bitter Sam about her housing situation. I am just thankful I have a roof over my family's heads.

Now I was working as a hairstylist since I moved back in December. That's all kaput. This damn company killed my joy in doing hair. I have never worked somewhere, where I loved it at first and within a few months hated it so incredibly much. It is the company through and through. So I chose to find another job and alas I did. Where did I end up you ask? Well doing something I never thought I would do, ever. Car sales. Well kind of. I do internet sales. I have worked my booty off these past couple months and I could not be happier with what I am doing. I enjoy coming to work, well most days. You know we all have those days where we ask "why do I need to go to work today?" Those are far and few between now though. In the two months I've been here I've sold a total of 30 cars. That's right 30. Not to shabby for a newcomer. Hooray. Alright enough about work.

Life. Life is wonderful. Other than housing. But that's besides the point and we already covered that base. My little lady is almost 15 months old now! I can hardly believe it. She is a walking machine, almost running. And boy does she talk. I have my hands full she is one smart little lady. She starts her first day of real daycare tomorrow. I'm nervous. And excited. And terrified. I'm not worried about the home daycare itself I am just being an overprotective mom. She's never been anywhere else but with family, so this is new for the both of us. I hope she isn't a little brute. It'll be good for her though. While I like the home daycare I chose I am still hoping that my friends mom decides to start doing it again. That way my little monster is close to nana and papa and grandpa if something serious happened. I mean she's not going to be far now but she isn't going to be two minutes from them if need be. That's okay momma calm down, she will be fine.

Okay so my mindless rambling is becoming quite obnoxious. At least to me. Until next time.

Peace out home slices.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm a little behind the power curve.

Whew it's been almost a month since I've posted. It's crazy how fast time goes as you get older. 
Man, nothing new really in this mommas life. Well actually thats a lie. We moved. Finally. It's so nice having our own space back. Although we have like a quarter the amount of cabinet space we had before. What can we do? Yeah nothing. 
I'm enjoying life for the most part, just exhausted. You know the usual of a full time mommy and stylist. My papa has surgery tomorrow so A and I are going to go hang out and wait for him. That's cool though A's cousin and auntie will be joining is for a bit. Well this momma is going to bed. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

So it's been a while

Holy moly it's been forever. I guess that's what happens when you're a working mom. I also started a pretty sweet Facebook page with a woman I've never met but have become good friends with over the past 3 years. 
Let's see anything exciting? Nah not really. The usual is going on. Work. Play with baby. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. We're house hunting. Well hunting a for a place to rent. The 80+ mile round trip is getting old fast. And hard on our bodies and family time. Ugghhhh. I hate moving though. 
Anywho, nothing else exciting is going on. It's too early for the witty side of my brain to work. Maybe I'll post later. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crazy busy life

Weeee well it's been like a week since we've chatted let's see what has happened? 
Valentines day- yay heart shaped pizza and wall-e and in bed by 10. Well I got purrrty flowers too. And got the man a boot dryer. Can you say romantic?
Day off!! But I went to the dreaded grocery store. And Wally World. 
Today I'm going to create as much baby food as possible. :D

My friend and I did start a page on the good old Facebook. Not gonna lie good place to say crazy, stupid shiz. 

But here is even better. I hate when I use the wrong word, even though I've heard it used that way, and people say "um no". Bitch I'm going to use my doctors terminology. I'm pretty sure he is a doctor and knows what he's talking about. I'll trust his 20+ years as a doctor over your 5 years of being a mom. Just saying. Makes me hate people more and more errday. But I'm running out of things to say and falling asleep so...

Peace out for now alligators. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My list for life. (A good guide)

1. Fall in love ✔️
2. Separate from said love ✔️
3. Reconnect with that love ✔️
4. Get engaged ✔️
5. Move in together ✔️ (that doesn't condone permarital sex) 😝
6. Get married ✔️
7. Get pregnant ✔️ (okay 6 &7 were a little blurry for me) 😜
8. Have baby✔️
9. Enjoy every second, minute, and hour with that baby. ✔️ (They grow too fast)
10. Buy a house

Only one left on my short list. 

Nothing exciting in my life.

Basically the most exciting thing that's happened in my life is, um, nothing. Well maybe getting freaked out by the Sexy Hair foam stuff today. My face was PRICELESS. Any whoser. This whole waking up at 4:30 to the husbands alarm sucks donkey balls. This is why I'm in bed by 10:30 nightly. Gosh I'm old. 

Oh if you haven't noticed I don't enjoy using "god" in a derogatory way. I'm not a fan. I am not huge in religion but for some random reason it doesn't seem right to me. You will only hear me say it, speak it aloud, every once in a great moon. But don't let me stop you if you say it. 

I'm kind of all over the place today. Maybe it's the lack of sleep or maybe it's because of the full moon that is coming. Well I'll keep you entertained, or myself entertained really, at least. 

Peace out home slices. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Please tell me

Someone please tell me who the eff thought "let's make organic a fad." Um sure some organic food is bomb but seriously if you want organic food build yourself a garden and grow your own food. Except meat, unless you really want to get that serious and make sure the beef you eat is truly grass fed only. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

The funny thing is

You see the funny thing is when you try so hard to be like someone else it's obvious. Just be your own person. No matter how hard you try you'll never be that person. Once you get comfortable on your skin you'll be a much happier person. 


It has been decided

So I know I'm not the only one who doesn't always want breakfast food at breakfast. Sometimes I want fried chicken or a cheese burger for breakfast. Then sometimes at night I want bacon and eggs. So I decided every fast food place should accommodate my needs.  I'm not being selfish, okay maybe I am, but I'm thinking about the other people who think like me. 

I just want a cheeseburger. Right meow. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First blog entry since Xanga....

Okay so I'll do a little introduction, although if you're reading this you most likely know me. 

Hi I'm Sam. 25 years young. I am married to a solider, Ben, and we have a beautiful little girl, Aria. We also have 3 dogs Odie, Smokey and King. I've been doing hair, licensed, since I was 19. Living in the great state of Minnesota. 

Now this blog is not here to make anyone but myself laugh. My place to get how I really feel out there. If you're going to judge me, well then judge me. If you're going to make nasty comments I'm not going to waste my time by responding. And why on earth are you wasting your time commenting just to be a jerk?

Anywho, the title is because that's exactly how I am. Now I know the saying is "a little left of center" but that's too normal and I'm anything but normal. I'm a little outspoken, okay very outspoken, and feel very strongly about certain issues. I'm like the genie from Aladdin, "...often imitated but never duplicated..." I have people who love me and people who hate me. People who hate me are the reason I stand so strong. I'm a glass half full type of girl and always try and find good in every situation. Not to much more that I can think of right now, if you have a question ask me I'll answer. 

Now with all that mumbo jumbo said I'm going to try and write everyday here. No not all will be this long. Some entries may just be a few sentences while others will be a few paragraphs. 

So with all that jazzy jazz being said hopefully you find my crazy rants entertaining because I try and find humor in everything. Peace out homies. 
