Monday, August 25, 2014

Well this blows

So I totally had a whole bunch written out and of course I click something and POOF it's gone. Lame sauce. Oh well I will start over.

It's been a while blogland. Since March 24 to be exact. Well y'all obviously know I moved...well I think so. But anywho it's been a ride at this stupid place they call a townhome. More like an apartment with 3 floors. For reals. I hate it and I cannot wait to move. It's a little surprising I would say that after moving 5 times in under 3 years. Enough sad, bitter Sam about her housing situation. I am just thankful I have a roof over my family's heads.

Now I was working as a hairstylist since I moved back in December. That's all kaput. This damn company killed my joy in doing hair. I have never worked somewhere, where I loved it at first and within a few months hated it so incredibly much. It is the company through and through. So I chose to find another job and alas I did. Where did I end up you ask? Well doing something I never thought I would do, ever. Car sales. Well kind of. I do internet sales. I have worked my booty off these past couple months and I could not be happier with what I am doing. I enjoy coming to work, well most days. You know we all have those days where we ask "why do I need to go to work today?" Those are far and few between now though. In the two months I've been here I've sold a total of 30 cars. That's right 30. Not to shabby for a newcomer. Hooray. Alright enough about work.

Life. Life is wonderful. Other than housing. But that's besides the point and we already covered that base. My little lady is almost 15 months old now! I can hardly believe it. She is a walking machine, almost running. And boy does she talk. I have my hands full she is one smart little lady. She starts her first day of real daycare tomorrow. I'm nervous. And excited. And terrified. I'm not worried about the home daycare itself I am just being an overprotective mom. She's never been anywhere else but with family, so this is new for the both of us. I hope she isn't a little brute. It'll be good for her though. While I like the home daycare I chose I am still hoping that my friends mom decides to start doing it again. That way my little monster is close to nana and papa and grandpa if something serious happened. I mean she's not going to be far now but she isn't going to be two minutes from them if need be. That's okay momma calm down, she will be fine.

Okay so my mindless rambling is becoming quite obnoxious. At least to me. Until next time.

Peace out home slices.